Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Everything in its place...

The past two days have been devoted to setting up place holders for the content pages as well as activating all of the currently exisiting links on the site.

I also created, successfully tested, and added a fairly basic, but adequate, online contact form.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Who in the world is...

The progress made today focused primarily on setting up additional social media platforms, including a Facebook Page, an Instagram Page, and a Twitter Page.

I also set up a new Email Address as well as a new Domain Name: NickQuaglietta.com

Now that all the new framework is in place, the next big step forward will be to populate all of these places with as much content as possible.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

A bit more polish...

The past twenty-four hours have been devoted to refining the layout and color scheme for my new website's home page.

I am quite pleased with the way everything turned out and I'm fairly confident visitors will feel comfortable while spending time exploring the site.

At this point, I'm satisfied that I've taken the process of developing the home page far enough for the time being and will now focus on adding as much content as I currently have available. This will include incorporating additional social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

And so it begins...

The time has arrived to launch my plan to become a serious, and more well-published, author. It is a sincere desire I've held and contemplated for quite some time, although I always felt that it would be impractical for me to devote the time necessary to do it well. However, having now transitioned into semi-retired life after 30 years on Active Duty, I believe I am ready to make a go of it.

The first steps, thus far, have been to decide on a name for my new LLC along with designing and creating a logo, to begin building a new website, and to start a journal where I can record the process and progress associated with this endeavor.

Next up will be a thorough search for many more opportunities to submit my work for consideration while I  further develop my craft, which will include continued participation in activities such as the local Connect & Heal Poetry Workshops and Open Mic events.